As a passionate software engineer, I design and assemble software components to create efficient applications (productivity, know how, business value).
I am holding a master degree in computer science and have more than 20 years’ experience in several fields i.e: banking to medical through geographic information systems, vehicle quality monitoring logistics and aeronautical.
With my expertise and flexibility I am able to adapt quickly in new fields and activities.
As a team player I like to support my colleagues and relay on exchanging thought to be able to find the best solution.
Corail: ERP to manage factories suppliers just in time
ActisFore: Compute, asses, estimate budget parts of transport to build a vehicle
Corvet@ / TCV: Implementation of Vehicle traceability composition for all produced vehicles . Manufacturing knowledge and vehicles lifecycle history for PSA Group
Detailed Description
Realization of developments: Batch processing in Java / PLSQL, Applet
Design treatments to achieve
Definition of the technical architecture projects
Management and integration of outsourced achievements in China
Optimization and tuning of high volume batch processing